"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." -Thomas Edison
About Me
I'm an ex-Information Technology professional turned Holistic Health and Nutritional Consultant, speaker, and founder of NuHorizons Holistic Health on a mission to transform lives. Besides being a health junkie, l love to travel, scuba dive, and be in nature. It's what helps me gain perspective, refocus, and reset.
Meet Ruthann
How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a holistic health coach?
Well, I’ll need to take you back to when I was a child. I was like most people who grew up eating the Standard American Diet (“SAD” being an appropriate acronym that my fellow health coaches I and I like to call it) – being taught to eat according to the food pyramid guidelines and thinking I was eating mostly good stuff. But I loved my sugar! Cookies, cakes, ice-cream, etc. were always served for dessert at dinner time in our family and they were a lot of my snacks in between meals. I also remember many slumber parties with high school friends with endless amounts of sweets that kept us up all night with a constant sugar-buzz. Poor eating (as I view it now) had unfortunate long term consequences on my health.
The reality was that I was eating a diet that was all conventionally produced, highly processed, nutrient poor, full of chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, loaded with sugar and toxic salt – but I didn’t know it then. Unlike most of my freshman college friends I didn’t gain the “freshman 15” but it soon snuck up on me in my 30’s. After college graduation I took a job as a computer programmer and was very happy doing that work for 12 ½ years until I got bored and decided to take a new challenge do the same type of work but in the financial industry. I had no clue the work environment I was about to be plunged into – extremely high stress, long hours, very demanding, 24x7 on call, emotionally toxic and cut-throat. It wasn’t long after switching jobs that all these factors took a toll on my health, my body, and my hormones.
I ballooned out to a very unhealthy weight, was often sick, unable to effectively manage my stress, exhausted all the time, suffering with frequent multi-day migraines, and had chronic digestive and sinus issues. However, I just thought that this was what happens when you get older. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism that the light bulb came on. Our current system of care was all too happy to load me up on various pharmaceuticals for all my “issues” – but I was not satisfied with my blood work looking good when I still didn’t feel any better. I knew deep down there had to be another way out of my degenerated state of health so I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I decided to prioritize my health and learn how to heal my body holistically and naturally. I identified eight keys that helped me to address the root causes of my problems – something I was not getting from our current system of care. Over a period of 7-years, I implemented these eight keys and I was amazed at the healing and improvements I saw in my own body and overall health. I experienced increases in my energy levels, increases in my ability to focus and think clearly, and my digestive and sinus issues have all but disappeared. I have not fallen ill in years, and without trying, I lost five dress sizes - without giving up my chocolate! My co-workers could not believe the physical transformation I went through!
In the back of my mind I kept thinking how great it would be to help others do the same. Researching holistic health and nutrition quickly became a passion for me. I was consumed by it and spent a lot of my free time doing research. Many of my friends encouraged me to pursue doing this work full time and since the idea of staying in a crazy stressful job till retirement didn’t appeal to me; I decided to go for it. So, while I was still in my technology job, I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and earned my Health Coaching certificate. I also earned a second certification as a Nutrition Consultant through AANC. I have been working now full time as a Health Coach since 2013. My mission now is to do for my clients in a short amount of time what took me 7-years to learn.
Who are your clients exactly?
My clients are mostly women in their 40’s working full time as professionals in demanding jobs who typically put their self-care on the backburner to take care of their families and career. They are not happy with their weight and their health is declining and they realize they need to take action.
My clients are those, who like me, have decided to prioritize their health and seek long-term healing by implementing holistic eating and health practices. They are tired of the current system of care and want natural solutions. They are individuals that want to feel great and be stronger as they get older and they realize that it’s absolutely possible to achieve that – no matter what age you start!
What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?
I do my best work with individuals who are ready and willing to learn and make the changes they need to heal naturally. They will want to eagerly apply what they learn and see it as a life-style change (not a temporary diet). They are willing to make time each week to implement new habits and will consistently take action – because they realize they are not getting any younger and they need to take care of the body they have because they have a lot of life left to live and don’t want to miss out! If this is you, then chances are we will work beautifully together.
For what type of person are your programs NOT going to work?
My programs will not work for women who do not want to take responsibility for their health and well-being, who do not want to put some awareness and effort into their transformation, who are looking for a quick fix (which by the way doesn’t exist), and who like to complain but not make any changes.
How are you different than other Health Coaches?
While other health coaches might focus on nutrition and exercise alone, my approach is holistic – looking at all areas that contribute to health – food, lifestyle, exercise, thoughts, etc. I have identified eight specific keys that I assess to balance hormones and as a result help individuals lose weight as well as gain many other health improvements. I teach my clients how to make sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term health, strength, and happiness.
Does this really work?
Absolutely! Not only did it work for me, but for my clients as well. Feel free to read up on their transformations.
What results can I expect?
Balancing your hormones will have a wide variety of positive impacts on your health. Everyone heals at different rates. So while I cannot predict how quickly you will make changes or how much weight you will lose, I can promise that you will feel much better in your body, have more energy and clearer thinking to tackle your day, and feel confident about your future health. At the end of the day, you will get out of the program what you put into it.
We’ll start right where you are and custom create action steps that fit YOU, your time constraints, your preferences, your style, your career and your personal life. I’ll show you how to navigate the “life stuff” that would normally throw you off track. Things like special events, extra busy times at work, family, holidays, vacations, work travel and more. I’ll provide the necessary tools, information, and guidance to help you transform old habits into new choices that create the life and body what you want.
Based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. How do we get started?
Simply schedule a “Weight Loss and Hormonal Healing” Breakthrough Session where the two of us can meet and talk about working together. In that session I will answer all your questions and introduce you to the specifics of my Signature Program.
I’m Ready to Take the First Step
If I’m not sure I’m ready to get started, how can I sample your work at low cost to see if it’s the right solution for me?
One way to sample my approach is to schedule a Health Food Store tour or signup for my 21-day Whole Body Cleanse. Either of these will give you a taste (no pun intended, seriously) of the world I will take you into with my coaching.
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Health Coach Training
I graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, and over 100 dietary theories. As a certified nutrition consultant my training strengthened my knowledge of anatomy and physiology, medical chemistry, orthomolecular nutrition, living chemistry, enzyme and amino acid health. My education has equipped me with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and disease prevention.
I received training from some of the world's top health and wellness experts including: Dr. Andrew Weil, director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Mark Hyman, MD, founder of The UltraWellness Center, David Wolfe, raw food leader and nutrition expert Marion Nestle, PhD, MPH, professor at NYU’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health and many other leading researchers and nutrition authorities.
Management Information Systems, BBA – Texas Tech University
Certified Health Coach, CHC - Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Certified Nutrition Counselor, CNC - American Association of Nutritional Consultants
Board-certified Health Coach, American Association of Drugless Practitioners
Trained in "The Hormone Cure" - Gottfried Institute
Certified Dynamic Mindfulness Teacher (DMT) - Niroga Institute
Professional Associations
The Weston A. Price Foundation*
American Association of Nutritional Consultants
International Association of Health Coaches
*The Weston A. Price foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated non-industrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets.